Perched in the lush surroundings of Hakone, Hakone Shrine (箱根神社, Hakone Jinja) has been a place of worship and pilgrimage for over 1,200 years. This ancient Shinto shrine was established during a period when mountain worship was prevalent in Japan, even before the arrival of Buddhism. The people revered Mount Hakone as a divine presence, a point of connection between the earthly and spiritual realms. Over the centuries, Hakone Shrine has attracted shogun, samurai, and countless travelers, all seeking blessings for safe journeys and prosperity.

Visitors to Hakone Shrine are greeted by an enchanting landscape, where towering cedar trees—some over 800 years old—envelop the shrine grounds. The torii gates (鳥居, torii) of Hakone Shrine are as spiritually significant as they are visually striking. The first torii gate, located at Motohakone Port (元箱根港, Motohakone Kō), stands as a welcome to those arriving by boat. The famous Peace Torii (平和の鳥居, Heiwa no Torii) sits half-submerged in Lake Ashi, representing a harmonious relationship between the natural world and spiritual peace. This gate, often seen against the serene lake, is a classic image of Japan and attracts photographers from around the globe.

Hakone Shrine is well known for its extensive blessings, from granting good fortune and road safety to warding off evil and fulfilling wishes. Many come to seek romantic blessings, making Hakone Shrine a place of deep spiritual significance. Alongside Hakone Shrine, Kuzuryu Shrine (九頭龍神社, Kuzuryū Jinja) is famous for its powers in matchmaking. Visitors often engage in Ryosha Mairi (両社参り, Ryōsha Mairi), visiting both Hakone and Kuzuryu Shrines, while adding a visit to Hakone Motomiya Shrine (箱根元宮, Hakone Motomiya Jinja) completes the Sansha Mairi (三社参り, Sansha Mairi) for even greater blessings.

The shrine’s main hall is home to Ninigi-no-Mikoto (瓊瓊杵尊, Ninigi-no-Mikoto), the grandson of Amaterasu, the sun goddess. Ninigi is regarded as the god of prosperity, ensuring success in endeavors and bountiful harvests. Konohanasakuya-hime (木花之開耶姫, Konohanasakuya-hime), goddess of Mount Fuji and earthly life, is enshrined in a secondary hall and is venerated for protection, safe childbirth, and family harmony. These deities, along with others, contribute to Hakone Shrine’s reputation as a source of deep spiritual power and peace, drawing visitors from around the world.
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