Ashinoko Lake (芦ノ湖, Ashi-no-ko) is a crater lake that emerged approximately 3,100 years ago, formed within the caldera of the Hakone volcano. Revered for its pristine views of Mt. Fuji and its tranquil waters, Ashinoko has been regarded as a place of mystical energy since ancient times. The name "Ashinoko" translates to "Lake of Reeds," with 芦 (ashi) meaning "reed" and 湖 (ko) meaning “lake,” reflecting the natural abundance surrounding its shores.
In Japanese culture, Ashinoko’s sacred waters have long held spiritual significance. The lake was a site of ritual purification, used by ascetic monks and believed to channel sacred energies to those who visited. Legends surrounding Ashinoko include the powerful tale of a nine-headed dragon that once resided within its depths. According to myth, the villagers living near the lake were forced to make sacrifices to the dragon. In a time before Christ, this land was subject to mountain worship, and the Hakone region was considered sacred—a gateway between the earthly and the divine.

The story of Mangan Shonin, a Buddhist priest who pacified the dragon, is still told with reverence. Known for his dedication to the Buddhist sutras, Mangan Shonin freed the villagers by chaining the dragon upside down, transforming it into Kuzuryu Myojin (九頭龍明神, Kuzuryū Myōjin), the revered dragon deity enshrined at Kuzuryu Shrine on the lake’s edge. This legendary figure is still honored today, with visitors making offerings at Kuzuryu Shrine for protection and blessings.

Ashinoko's allure is enhanced by the iconic Hakone Shrine (箱根神社, Hakone Jinja), a sacred Shinto shrine nestled in the forests along the lake. Many sightseers explore Ashinoko on pleasure ships, several of which are styled as man-of-war pirate vessels, adding a sense of historical adventure to the serene experience. Hakone Shrine’s Peace Torii (平和の鳥居, Heiwa no Torii), partially submerged in Lake Ashi, is one of Japan's most photographed torii gates, symbolizing a unique connection between peace, nature, and spirituality. This iconic scene, especially with Mt. Fuji in the background, makes Ashinoko Lake an enduring favorite among travelers who come seeking beauty and tranquility.
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